Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Stranger by the day

Day passed again..
feel like stranger more and more recently..
feel like stranger at home..
im not the owner of the house..
im started to do not know my father,mother more and more..
because of me and my parents..

at schooL..
im nobody..

who is me??

With other people,friends..
i started to change my habit..
try to not do a bad thing..
but more and more i not understand them..
and more i realise that im not them..
sometimes try to avoid them..

but it is me??

my ear doesnt hear my voice..
my voice isn't my voice..
my face is not my expression..
cant talk like the last time..
cant smile like the past time..
cant laugh at people like past time..
cant stand like the last time..
cant do the thing like the last time..

what can i do??!!
Many people say,,
No one is dumb..
A people with a weakness in something..
is just a people with a ability in other thing..
but im not sure about myself..
actually i feel like i can do nothing..

IS it me??!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i lost myself....

4 komentar:

jojo mengatakan...

wah. hasil eksperimen masyarakat.
jadi ga bisa balik cya ke diri sendiri?
uda lupa jadi diri sndiri gmn cya?

william mengatakan...

bisa dibilang gt jo..haha

Christopher Harinata mengatakan...

cia loses himself, and someone found it.. who's that someone?? bisa jawab jo? hahahaha..

jojo mengatakan...

cewe yg dya senengin.
ato diriny sndiri haha