duh sebal aja ne,
setiap kali g ngomong ap ke nyokap ato bokap..selalu aja jdinya ribut..mau itu salah paham ato gnya auban,ato gak pnya hormat,ato kurang ajar perlu dihajar, ato emang shionya ciong byasa orang tua bilang..halah2..tp g kayaknya sebel jg ne kalo gne mulu..cpek jga..
g gak bsa sebel ma ortu g,karena berbagai alasan kaya mereka uda lahirin g,uda kase makan,dll..
tp tyap kali g dimaraen,ato ribut..g ada rasa sebel di ati,rasa ngeganjel kayaknya belom puas..tp smakin g ngomong,semakin banyak pula g ribut..semakin g ngomongin apa yang pengen g omongin semakin gede aja tu masalah..kayaknya g ngerasa g dre dunia laen aja..yang g omongin mbak nyampe k mereka jdi mbek..dan mungkin lama-kelamaan..kayaknya g jdi sebel ma diri g sndiri,,kyaknya g yang bikin ribut melulu..tp besokannya g ulang lage,ulang lage,,dan selalu aja da rasa nyesel ato ganjel dalem ati..apa yg pengen g sampein ga nyampe n dingertiin ma mereka..
Jumat, 28 November 2008
Senin, 24 November 2008
Question is:
Something you dont know..
Something you havent feel..
Something you havent experience..
Something about you and yourself..
Something about you and your relationship..
Something about your past and your future..
What question do you have??
Do you always have the answer for your questions??
Do you ever have a question that can't be aswered??
Do you know what is the answer??
I dont know it too..wkwk
because it is life..
Many question in the world..
There maybe one,or many answer for a question,or maybe you found there is no answer..
The time and the world is the answer..
Even..try to..
I know u're tired..
I know u're suffer..
but try to run when you can't even walk..
try to jump even when you can't stand..
it's not a big thing..
it's only a hope
i know it's hard,when you are tired..
when you dont have a courage..
when you feel empty in your heart..
but try even there is only a small diference..
the future exist when the hope exist..
try to not fall into the hole..
try to not blown away by the wind..
try to not fall into the stream ..
try to see when there is no lights..
yes i just know you're tired,you're bored..
but what can i do??
I just only can see you
i can't help you fully or totally..
i just only can support you..
the one and only i can help fully is myself..
because everything about me is depends on me,myself..
and everything about you is up to you..
depends on you,yourself..
i just can support you..
i can't fully restored you..
hope you hear the bird singing,not the bird screaming..
Senin, 17 November 2008
Losing my direction
This morning,
I argued with my mom when he take me to school
she said that she was tired and heartbroken to speak with me..
She cried in the moment
actually I dont want it,
I continue my speaking
but it just make it more complicated
the more I talk,the more we fought
actually my heart feel disapointed too
there's a pain with a fret in my heart..
My heart feel doesnt right..
feel complicated,
actually i want to isolate myself at the time
coz when i feel complicated
i want to be left alone..
but i must go to school,
it is my duty..
an annoying duty
it's sucks..
i went home..
my mom seems dont care..
no one care..
i hate myself sometimes in this life..
seems like no one care about me..
I dont want to make a smile
bcoz deep inside i have a disapointment..
when my parents practice..
I smoking alone outside..
actually when i first smoking,
i felt scared,and feel guilty..
i dont want to be an active smoker..
i dont want to be an addict..
I know it is wrong..
it is bad,but i felt soo disapointed in my heart..
really annoying me..
seems like the disapointment makes me to close my ears..
it makes me feel that im the most "right" person..
although i know i am wrong..
it makes me stubborn..
yes really2 stubborn..
seems like it is the reason to do a bad thing..
i dont want to be an active smoker..
i dont want to be an addict..
but now at the time
I dont see any point in my life,
dont have a point of interest in my life..
dont have an objective,
i lost my direction..
i dont want to blame my parents..
they born me..
they take care me
I dont want to hate my parents
but not that easy,
actually it is easy to said,but hard to feel..
the feeling deep inside of my heart..
that not easy to go away..
im tired..
it just
now I hate myself..
I argued with my mom when he take me to school
she said that she was tired and heartbroken to speak with me..
She cried in the moment
actually I dont want it,
I continue my speaking
but it just make it more complicated
the more I talk,the more we fought
actually my heart feel disapointed too
there's a pain with a fret in my heart..
My heart feel doesnt right..
feel complicated,
actually i want to isolate myself at the time
coz when i feel complicated
i want to be left alone..
but i must go to school,
it is my duty..
an annoying duty
it's sucks..
i went home..
my mom seems dont care..
no one care..
i hate myself sometimes in this life..
seems like no one care about me..
I dont want to make a smile
bcoz deep inside i have a disapointment..
when my parents practice..
I smoking alone outside..
actually when i first smoking,
i felt scared,and feel guilty..
i dont want to be an active smoker..
i dont want to be an addict..
I know it is wrong..
it is bad,but i felt soo disapointed in my heart..
really annoying me..
seems like the disapointment makes me to close my ears..
it makes me feel that im the most "right" person..
although i know i am wrong..
it makes me stubborn..
yes really2 stubborn..
seems like it is the reason to do a bad thing..
i dont want to be an active smoker..
i dont want to be an addict..
but now at the time
I dont see any point in my life,
dont have a point of interest in my life..
dont have an objective,
i lost my direction..
i dont want to blame my parents..
they born me..
they take care me
I dont want to hate my parents
but not that easy,
actually it is easy to said,but hard to feel..
the feeling deep inside of my heart..
that not easy to go away..
im tired..
it just
now I hate myself..
Sabtu, 15 November 2008
Ahh g kesell!!napa seh fto g selalu aja dikrtik ma ortu,,mau nyokap ato bokap sama ajaa!!
kenapa selalu fto g yang g fto klo bonyok lyat pasti dibilangnya gak bgus,,belajar lagee..
teknikny kurang bisa..ntar klo kamu uda belajar bru bsa sadar yang fto sekarang jelek..
kenapa mereka gak anggep sama sekali klo g jg belajar moto dri inet,tnya2 orang,tnya guru..
kenapa gak dianggep sama sekalii..g merasa g kaya orang yang asal fto,gak ngerti apa2,dan jga gak belajar sama sekali dr pengalaman..
g uda jelasin klo ini jga blajar,n ini jga uda nerapin teknik2 dasar..
tp mereka gak mau terima..g dianggep begoo!!ahh kesell!!kenapa c mereka gak mau ngerti kalo g jelasinn!!
manknya bisaa mereka fto!!bokap aja suru fto pas fto 3x4 kmrn gak bisa focus..kenapa bisa kritik g!!ahh!!gak perna mereka bilang fto g bguss!!gak pernah denger mereka mau dengerin omgan ato penjelasan g..
Malah kemaren dikataen auban g jga kesell amat!!kemaren bokap mau pke flash suru ftoin dy..g gak mau g bilang gak butuh klo pke kkencengan jdinya keputihan..eh dibilangnya aubann..huh..
padahal jdinya jga yg dicetak yg ga pake flash..
Manknya mereka ngerti foto yang bgus kaya ap,,kaya ap,teknik2nya gmana..
koq bsa2nya krtik g padahal g uda nerapin teknik2 dasar..orang fto bgus aja g rasa mereka blom bisa bedain..ibaratnya orang yang buta yang belom bsa nglyat bayinya uda ngerangkak ato uda jalan,tp selalu marain bayinya suru jalan...Klo g jelasin ini ono,,dibilangny papa gak perlu ngertii,,papa uda gak maen kamera..g mase anakny bukan seh..kenapa klo g jelasin dibilang ga perlu ngertii..
Duh g jadi iri ma bokapnya CM kmaren aja wktu g pgy ngobrol ma bokapnya,bokapnya taw cm itu orangnya kaya gmana..dy tu fokus klo uda ada hoby,mau belajarnya gmana,trus jga klo maen tenis ska mukulnya kaya gmana,,karena uda dari kecil jdi bgini2,bla3,blu4..kayaknya uda ngertiin dy bgt..
Lah bonyok g taw ap ttg g,cma tawnya g hobi fto doank..trus taw ap??tawnya cma fto g jelek2..gak ngerti teknik dasar moto ama bru setaon pegang kamera..mana taw dy g byasa suka ftoin ap,uda ampe mana,gak pernah dlyat tu fto2 g klo g bis plg hunting jga..cm lyatny klo ftoin mereka aj..gak pernah dy nanya fto ini mnrt kamu bgusnya dmana..bgus ya ftonya ini nya bgus,ato itunya menarik ..bilang lumyan kek,,ato lmyn uda bgus cm kurang ini itu jg gpp..
bisany cm bilang jelek,,orangny kelyatan gendut..apanya yg menarikk..teknik2nya mase kurang bisa..huh sebal,sebal,seball!!
kenapa selalu fto g yang g fto klo bonyok lyat pasti dibilangnya gak bgus,,belajar lagee..
teknikny kurang bisa..ntar klo kamu uda belajar bru bsa sadar yang fto sekarang jelek..
kenapa mereka gak anggep sama sekali klo g jg belajar moto dri inet,tnya2 orang,tnya guru..
kenapa gak dianggep sama sekalii..g merasa g kaya orang yang asal fto,gak ngerti apa2,dan jga gak belajar sama sekali dr pengalaman..
g uda jelasin klo ini jga blajar,n ini jga uda nerapin teknik2 dasar..
tp mereka gak mau terima..g dianggep begoo!!ahh kesell!!kenapa c mereka gak mau ngerti kalo g jelasinn!!
manknya bisaa mereka fto!!bokap aja suru fto pas fto 3x4 kmrn gak bisa focus..kenapa bisa kritik g!!ahh!!gak perna mereka bilang fto g bguss!!gak pernah denger mereka mau dengerin omgan ato penjelasan g..
Malah kemaren dikataen auban g jga kesell amat!!kemaren bokap mau pke flash suru ftoin dy..g gak mau g bilang gak butuh klo pke kkencengan jdinya keputihan..eh dibilangnya aubann..huh..
padahal jdinya jga yg dicetak yg ga pake flash..
Manknya mereka ngerti foto yang bgus kaya ap,,kaya ap,teknik2nya gmana..
koq bsa2nya krtik g padahal g uda nerapin teknik2 dasar..orang fto bgus aja g rasa mereka blom bisa bedain..ibaratnya orang yang buta yang belom bsa nglyat bayinya uda ngerangkak ato uda jalan,tp selalu marain bayinya suru jalan...Klo g jelasin ini ono,,dibilangny papa gak perlu ngertii,,papa uda gak maen kamera..g mase anakny bukan seh..kenapa klo g jelasin dibilang ga perlu ngertii..
Duh g jadi iri ma bokapnya CM kmaren aja wktu g pgy ngobrol ma bokapnya,bokapnya taw cm itu orangnya kaya gmana..dy tu fokus klo uda ada hoby,mau belajarnya gmana,trus jga klo maen tenis ska mukulnya kaya gmana,,karena uda dari kecil jdi bgini2,bla3,blu4..kayaknya uda ngertiin dy bgt..
Lah bonyok g taw ap ttg g,cma tawnya g hobi fto doank..trus taw ap??tawnya cma fto g jelek2..gak ngerti teknik dasar moto ama bru setaon pegang kamera..mana taw dy g byasa suka ftoin ap,uda ampe mana,gak pernah dlyat tu fto2 g klo g bis plg hunting jga..cm lyatny klo ftoin mereka aj..gak pernah dy nanya fto ini mnrt kamu bgusnya dmana..bgus ya ftonya ini nya bgus,ato itunya menarik ..bilang lumyan kek,,ato lmyn uda bgus cm kurang ini itu jg gpp..
bisany cm bilang jelek,,orangny kelyatan gendut..apanya yg menarikk..teknik2nya mase kurang bisa..huh sebal,sebal,seball!!
Jumat, 14 November 2008
One day,,
SOmebody:hey look the beach and the sun its amazing!!
something:No its just a common sunset..
Somebody:look,there is a flower there!!it is beautifull!!
Something:No,it is just ordinary flower,,i have many in my home..
Somebody:Hey,,he is very rich,,he must be a great man!!
Something:No he's just only a rich man,,in here many rich man live..
Somebody:Hey,i like the pictures of her..it is very amusing!!
Something:it is just another good one picture..what is the special??
Somebody:I love the sound of the birds and the waterfall in this mountain,it's tranquilizing me..
Something:Just a sound of the birds..such a normal thing in this place..
If everything is a ordinary
So where is the extra-ordinary??
You have lost your feeling
you've lost the meaning of extra-ordinary..
If you seek"the extra-ordinary" in your life
without a heart and a feeling
coz what you search is nothing..
Not a thing..
you search what you dont have..but you have everything..
the thing is in your heart and maybe not out there..
Try to live with the ordinary
and feel the grateful way..
feel relaxed,and feel happy about it..
SOmebody:hey look the beach and the sun its amazing!!
something:No its just a common sunset..
Somebody:look,there is a flower there!!it is beautifull!!
Something:No,it is just ordinary flower,,i have many in my home..
Somebody:Hey,,he is very rich,,he must be a great man!!
Something:No he's just only a rich man,,in here many rich man live..
Somebody:Hey,i like the pictures of her..it is very amusing!!
Something:it is just another good one picture..what is the special??
Somebody:I love the sound of the birds and the waterfall in this mountain,it's tranquilizing me..
Something:Just a sound of the birds..such a normal thing in this place..
If everything is a ordinary
So where is the extra-ordinary??
You have lost your feeling
you've lost the meaning of extra-ordinary..
If you seek"the extra-ordinary" in your life
without a heart and a feeling
coz what you search is nothing..
Not a thing..
you search what you dont have..but you have everything..
the thing is in your heart and maybe not out there..
Try to live with the ordinary
and feel the grateful way..
feel relaxed,and feel happy about it..
Jumat, 07 November 2008
Me and You
I need you to be something
and i would be me if there is you..
itulah kata2 yg g sadur dri bu beti
guru mat yang baek hati,
mengajar budi pekerti
slain mengajar matematika yang akan dilupakan nanti..
maybe other people is onother me in somebody..
covered with other faces and behaviour..
me and you spent time in different dimensions..
sometimes human fight for differences..
or searching for the best or just for exclusiveness..
the religion is a thing try to join us..
but usually human seperate and makes a district..
think they are the best other are sucks..
I think it is humanly..
and no one said it is not normal..
yes,,it is normal..
every human have his own freqeuncy
his mind and his feeling..
if you hide..
If you is not "you" and i am not"me"
You and me walks individually until the frequency meet
and the we can called "we"..
but it is not easy to be "me"..
the frequency is a god gift..
and it s not easy for you to understand "me"..
coz sometimes i dont understand "me"myself..
need time to understand myself..
itulah kata2 yg g sadur dri bu beti
guru mat yang baek hati,
mengajar budi pekerti
slain mengajar matematika yang akan dilupakan nanti..
maybe other people is onother me in somebody..
covered with other faces and behaviour..
me and you spent time in different dimensions..
sometimes human fight for differences..
or searching for the best or just for exclusiveness..
the religion is a thing try to join us..
but usually human seperate and makes a district..
think they are the best other are sucks..
I think it is humanly..
and no one said it is not normal..
yes,,it is normal..
every human have his own freqeuncy
his mind and his feeling..
if you hide..
If you is not "you" and i am not"me"
You and me walks individually until the frequency meet
and the we can called "we"..
but it is not easy to be "me"..
the frequency is a god gift..
and it s not easy for you to understand "me"..
coz sometimes i dont understand "me"myself..
need time to understand myself..
Rabu, 05 November 2008
Barrack Obama
Hari ini tanggal 5 november 2008,akhirnya presiden amerika yang baru terpilih..Dy adalah Barrack Obama,,ia mengalahkan pesaingnya yaitu mc cain..Barrack Obama adalah orang yang pernah tinggal di menteng dahulu kala..Wah2 jadi bangga ternyata presiden Amerika yang super power perna tinggal di negara wong desoo jga..haha,,
Saya jga adalah pendukung Barrack Obama sesugguhnya..Mungkin terdapat motif2 dmana saya mendukung Barrack,motif2 itu adalah:
-Barrack mase muda dan dari mukanya sepertiny ia adalah orang yang baik dan berwibawa..
Sedangkan mccain sudah tua uda gak ganteng uda gak perlente orang bilang..dan jga mungkin uda pelupa..hyhy
-Barrack Obama tidak setuju terhadap perang yang dilakukan AS,mungkin dengan trpilihnya Obama dunia bisa lebih damai dan perang pun berkurang maka jumlah orang yang tersenyum makin banyak.. :)
-Barrack obama adalah mantan anak kampungan yang yang uda pindah ke kota besar,,maka dengan terpilihnya dia sbgai presiden,,mga2 aja dy inget dengan kampungnya yang masih kampungan yaitu indonesia..
-Dengan perang yang dihentikan oleh Barrack Obama,mungkin saja harga dinar irak akan naek,dan gue kaya deh..abis kemaren duit jajanya g buat beli dinar irak ampe skrang mase jadi duit maenan tu duit..
Dan yang terakhir dy adalah the "FIRST BLACK IN WHITE",,barrack obama adalah presiden item yang pertama di antara orang bule..bisa dibilang kecap diantara nasi,semut item di susu putih,taoco dianatara tahuu..tapi mau ap jga yang penting smoga dunia ini bsa belajar dari amerika,dari bijaksananya bule.. dan mengurangi rasialisme yang ada di antara rumpun sipit dan rumpun belo,rumpun taoco dan rumpun tahuu..terutama di negara indonesia ini,,dimana orang sipit "orang cina"disipitin orang belo"orang indo",di cengin ma orang pribumi..huh
wish the world change..
Saya jga adalah pendukung Barrack Obama sesugguhnya..Mungkin terdapat motif2 dmana saya mendukung Barrack,motif2 itu adalah:
-Barrack mase muda dan dari mukanya sepertiny ia adalah orang yang baik dan berwibawa..
Sedangkan mccain sudah tua uda gak ganteng uda gak perlente orang bilang..dan jga mungkin uda pelupa..hyhy
-Barrack Obama tidak setuju terhadap perang yang dilakukan AS,mungkin dengan trpilihnya Obama dunia bisa lebih damai dan perang pun berkurang maka jumlah orang yang tersenyum makin banyak.. :)
-Barrack obama adalah mantan anak kampungan yang yang uda pindah ke kota besar,,maka dengan terpilihnya dia sbgai presiden,,mga2 aja dy inget dengan kampungnya yang masih kampungan yaitu indonesia..
-Dengan perang yang dihentikan oleh Barrack Obama,mungkin saja harga dinar irak akan naek,dan gue kaya deh..abis kemaren duit jajanya g buat beli dinar irak ampe skrang mase jadi duit maenan tu duit..
Dan yang terakhir dy adalah the "FIRST BLACK IN WHITE",,barrack obama adalah presiden item yang pertama di antara orang bule..bisa dibilang kecap diantara nasi,semut item di susu putih,taoco dianatara tahuu..tapi mau ap jga yang penting smoga dunia ini bsa belajar dari amerika,dari bijaksananya bule.. dan mengurangi rasialisme yang ada di antara rumpun sipit dan rumpun belo,rumpun taoco dan rumpun tahuu..terutama di negara indonesia ini,,dimana orang sipit "orang cina"disipitin orang belo"orang indo",di cengin ma orang pribumi..huh
wish the world change..
Senin, 03 November 2008
Your own rhtym
If you feel sick of the world..
sick of crowded..
You feel lonely when you're alone..
No one fits you..
When the rock kids is too rock for you..
And the classical kids is too soft for you,,
makes you sleepy and bored..
Dont feel sad..
Feel your present,,feel yourself,,and play your own music..
You'll find another music..
it is your rhytm..
You will enjoy,
and the others will listen..
sick of crowded..
You feel lonely when you're alone..
No one fits you..
When the rock kids is too rock for you..
And the classical kids is too soft for you,,
makes you sleepy and bored..
Dont feel sad..
Feel your present,,feel yourself,,and play your own music..
You'll find another music..
it is your rhytm..
You will enjoy,
and the others will listen..
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